BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 Release Notes

Customization improvements

The following improvements have been made to the Meridian Enterprise customization features (VBScript and .NET API):

Customization improvements
ID Description


A new VBScript event DocGenericEvent_SelectTarget has been added to support selection of destination project folders when a new document is created.

MRE-4012 A new VBScript event DocProjectCopyEvent_ProjectCopyExist has been added. It occurs when an attempt is made to create a project copy and another project copy already exists.


A new VBScript method Document.SendToPortal has been added that sends a document to the Meridian Portal project repository to which the document’s parent folder is linked.


Meridian Power now triggers the DocGenericEvent_DocumentFolderSelected event during the Release As Master command when releasing documents that were created anew in the project folder.

MRE-4791 The VBScript function GetUsers now returns results sorted in ascending alphabetical order.


A new VBScript event DocCopyMoveEvent_SelectTarget has been added to support selection of destination project folders when a document is copied or moved.

MRE-5057 Using the VBScript expression Client.ImportType = AS_IT_NONE to determine whether a custom property page is being shown in a wizard now works correctly for folders in Meridian Power.
MRE-5330 A new VBScript event ImportPackage_AfterReadProperties has been added to support documents imported from packages.

For more information, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference Guide or the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise .NET API Reference Guide.