BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 Release Notes
Customization improvements
ID | Description |
MRE-3488 |
A new VBScript event DocGenericEvent_SelectTarget has been added to support selection of destination project folders when a new document is created. |
MRE-4012 | A new VBScript event DocProjectCopyEvent_ProjectCopyExist has been added. It occurs when an attempt is made to create a project copy and another project copy already exists. |
MRE-4653 |
A new VBScript method Document.SendToPortal has been added that sends a document to the Meridian Portal project repository to which the document’s parent folder is linked. |
MRE-4698 |
Meridian Power now triggers the DocGenericEvent_DocumentFolderSelected event during the Release As Master command when releasing documents that were created anew in the project folder. |
MRE-4791 | The VBScript function GetUsers now returns results sorted in ascending alphabetical order. |
MRE-5021 |
A new VBScript event DocCopyMoveEvent_SelectTarget has been added to support selection of destination project folders when a document is copied or moved. |
MRE-5057 | Using the VBScript expression Client.ImportType = AS_IT_NONE to determine whether a custom property page is being shown in a wizard now works correctly for folders in Meridian Power. |
MRE-5330 | A new VBScript event ImportPackage_AfterReadProperties has been added to support documents imported from packages. |
For more information, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference Guide or the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise .NET API Reference Guide.